Julian Wenzel
I studied Psychology at the University of Salzburg (Austria). In the first half of my PhD degree from 2018 to 2019, which I’m pursuing at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany), I gained scientific and clinical knowledge about machine learning and early diagnosis of psychosis working at the Munich site of the EU multicenter study PRONIA (https://www.pronia.eu). I joined Kambeitz Lab in September 2019 to continue my PhD project on neurocognition in psychosis. Using supervised and unsupervised machine learning, I investigate neurocognitive heterogeneity in (transdiagnostic) psychiatric phenotypes to help personalize modern neurocognitive interventions. Therefore, I’m part of the ‘Personalisiertes Neuro-Kognitives Training (PNKT) zur Verbesserung des Funktionsniveaus bei Psychosen’ project.