Lana Kambeitz-Ilankovic
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Lana Kambeitz-Ilankovic joined the team in September 2019 as a research group leader. She earned her PhD degree in 2013 at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich in collaboration with the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London, UK. Lana has spent most of her postdoc fellowship working on the multi-center EU project PRONIA ( She finalized her habilitation track and gained her clinical license in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in 2022. Lana's research focuses on developing neuroimaging and neurocognitive biomarkers that (1) predict the onset of mental illness and patients’ long-term social and occupational outcomes on individual level (2) predict response to non-pharmacological interventions using digital technology and computerized cognitive intervention by employing novel machine learning techniques and computational modelling. This line of research was supported by several research grants she received from 2015-2019 (NARSAD Young Investigator from the Brain & Behavior Foundation, National Institute of Health, DFG Co-Fund LMU excellent, Friedrich-Baur Foundation, etc). Her work has been published in over 40 highly cited papers that aim to improve diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for patients with mental illness. She is a handling Editor for British Journal of Psychiatry since this year and was awarded DGPPN Preis for Personalized, Predictive and Precision Psychiatry in 2021.